Representatives of the RMU and the Chinese Association of Musicians met in Moscow


On July 11, 2016, a meeting of representatives of the RMU with the delegation of the Chinese Association of Musicians was held in Moscow. RMU was represented by the Director General, A.B. Krichevsky and the Scientific Secretary of the Musicology and Education Guilds, Pavel Levadny. The vice chairman of the Association, Han Xin An, director of the People's Music Publishing House, Mo Yun Hui and rector of the Shanghai Conservatory, Xu Meng Dun arrived as part of the Chinese delegation to Moscow. Linguistic accompaniment of the meeting was carried out by the famous Russian-Chinese composer, the RMU member, Zuo Cheng Guan.

A.B. Krichevsky greeted the guests and noted the great importance for our country of cooperation with the People's Republic of China in the field of musical culture. According to A.B. Krichevsky, the interest in Chinese culture in Russia is extremely high, but the level of awareness of the Russian music community about the current trends and ways of development of Chinese music is still low. The head of the RMU proposed the all-round cooperation of the Union with the Chinese Association of Musicians.

Han Xin An thanked A.B. Krichevsky for the warm welcome and noted the similarity of the structures of the Chinese Association of Musicians and the Russian Musical Union. The delegates expressed admiration for Russian culture. According to them, the basis of Chinese music education is the achievements of the Soviet system and the works of outstanding Soviet and Russian teachers, and Soviet cinema has always played a great role in educating the younger generations of Chinese citizens. The guests also expressed great interest in expanding contacts with the RMU and implementing joint projects in the field of music. Han Xin An noted that the Chinese Association of Musicians is a structure under the patronage of the state and interaction with the RMU will have the status of a form of interstate cooperation between Russia and China.

In conclusion, the sides exchanged memorable gifts and agreed to create a "road map" for cooperation between the Russian Musical Union and the Chinese Association of Musicians.

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