RMU and German Musical Council heads had a meeting


Meeting of Russian Musical Union and German Musical Council took place in Berlin on December 4-th.

The Chair of the RMU Board Andrey Krichevsky, creative programs coordinator, the head of the RMU musicology Guild, professor, Vsevolod Zaderatsky and general director of the Union of Russia's composers, the member of the RMU Board Karina Abramyan. From the German side, GMC President, professor Martin-Maria Kruger and the GMC general secretary, professor Kristian Heppner. The main discussion topic became the issue of Russian-German musical and cultural cooperation renewal.

In 1980-s the cooperation between GMC and the USSR Union of Russia's composers which was a member of the International musical council at UNESCO, was very fruitful, when RMU had a status of the National Musical Board of the USSR. The result of active cooperation between the representatives of the musical associations of the two countries became a successful holding of grand festivals: music by Shostakovitch, music by Prokofiev, and the new music from the USSR in Germany and the festival 'Musical Culture of Germany today' in 22 towns and cities of the USSR.

In March 2017, the RMU was admitted to the International Musical Council having a status of the National Musical Council of Russia, and now, one of the RMU main tasks is to restore lost contacts at a new level, in a new situation. During the talks held in Berlin, representatives have defined possible lines of cooperation relevant to problematics and challenges of the XXI century. An engagement agreement is scheduled for the nearest future, which would contain new wording of main interaction vectors. The next meeting of the RMU and GMC heads is to be held in Moscow in spring 2018.

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