International Festival "Moscow Meets Friends" will be held with the support of RMU


From November 25 to December 3, 2019, the year of the 25th anniversary of Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Fund, with the participation of UNESCO and the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth (EMCY), Moscow will host the XVI International Festival "Moscow Meets Friends" - the Fund’s largest project. Russian Musical Union is a partner of the Festival.

The festival was created and organized by Vladimir Spivakov Foundation with the participation of Moscow Government and Moscow Department of Culture, the Administration of the President, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United Nations, the Russian Federation Commission for UNESCO. The organizing committee of the Festival includes prominent politicians, public figures, scientists, representatives of culture and arts. Every year since 2004, envoys from different regions of Russia, the CIS, the Baltic countries and foreign countries - instrumental soloists, vocalists, dance and choral groups, circus studios, artists, orchestras and conductors - present their art at the best concert venues in Moscow and Moscow Region, and also other cities of Russia.

This year, more than a thousand talented children from 50 regions of Russia and 36 countries will take part in concerts that will take place every day on various stages - in the Svetlanov and Chamber Halls of Moscow International House of Music, the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Moscow State Art Gallery of the Honored Artist of the USSR A. Shilov, the Watercolor School of Sergei Andriyaka, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, the Center for the temporary detention of juvenile offenders and many other venues.

The opening ceremony of the XVI International Festival “Moscow Meets Friends” will take place on November 25 at the Svetlanov Hall of Moscow International House of Music. Russian National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Vladimir Spivakov will perform at the opening concert. On this day, Vladimir Spivakov will hand over the "Mercy" Award of Vladimir Spivakov Charitable Fund to Mr. Eugene Chaplin, the son of the great Charlie Chaplin.

The large program will continue at other concert and exhibition venues in Moscow and the Moscow region. The Festival will feature artworks of more than 230 young artists - participants of the Festival from 8 countries of the world as well as the regions of Russia.

During the Festival, according to the existing tradition, scholars of Vladimir Spivakov Foundation will be given as gifts musical instruments and accessories which are so necessary for young musicians.

The XVI International Festival “Moscow Meets Friends” will end with a gala concert in the Chamber Hall of Moscow International House of Music on December 3.

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