Maria Soboleva introduced the Guild of Sound Engineers of RMU at the Sound Engineering Congress in Samara


From January 27 to 29, 2020, Samara hosted the 7th Russian Congress of Musical Show Sound Producers, organized by Dmitry Vdovin, a sound director, with the support of Bose Professional Division and the Sound Engineering Department of the Samara State University of Culture. Russian Musical Union has been an official partner of the Congress since 2019.

Among the main goals of the event are the exchange of practices among sound engineers, professional training of students and advanced training of practicing sound engineers, a demonstration of new professional sound equipment and the latest technologies for working with sound, creating a platform for live communication among representatives of the sound engineering community.

This year, the congress gathered more than 550 beginners and experienced specialists in the field of sound work from 89 cities of Russia and other countries. 38 speakers shared their professional experience, including such well-known specialists in working with concert sound as Dmitry Sukhin – concert sound engineer, teacher at the College of Contemporary Art, Ian Staddon – vice president of DiGiCo, Nadezhda Rakhmanova – sound engineer at Mariinsky Theater, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions.

Russian Musical Union was represented at the Congress by Maria Soboleva – Chairman of the Guild of Sound Engineers, professor at Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory and College of Contemporary Art.

The program of the event included interesting workshops, lectures, seminars, presentations, master classes, technical trainings, and demonstration sessions of sound equipment.

The Congress participants were greatly interested in “Goals and Tasks of the RMU Guild of Sound Engineers” presentation made by Maria Soboleva, as well as her master class “Secrets of Sounding the Concert Piano”, held together with Dmitry Sukhin.

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