Representatives of RMU took part in the annual assembly of the European Music Council


Representatives of Russian Musical Union, a member of the International Music Council (IMC) in the status of National Music Council of Russia, took part in the annual assembly of the European Music Council (EMC), which was held on September 6, 2020 in the format of an online conference.

During the assembly, the heads of the national councils of European countries and interstate musical organizations, such as the European Association of Conservatories, the European Choral Association and others, considered current matters of concern to the international musical community. In particular, the participants in the meeting touched upon the matter of new forms of functioning caused by the pandemic, spoke about their projects for the next few years, and also discussed methods of influencing European cultural policy, including interaction with the European Parliament commissions.

An important item on the agenda was the determination of the format for the next General Assemblies of the European and International Music Councils. The following decision was unanimously passed: the next General Assembly (GA) of the International Music Council, which was previously scheduled for June 2021 in Moscow, will be held online. Russian Musical Union will act as the main partner of GA-2023: representatives of the leading musical organizations from all continents will gather in Moscow, and the General Assembly of IMC and World Forum on Music will be held.

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