National Championship of Creative Competences Art Masters held with the assistance of RMU


Russian Musical Union supported the Art Masters National Open Championship of Creative Competencies, being a partner of the competition in the category "Composer and Arranger". The results of the competition were summed up in Moscow in October.

The Art Masters Championship was held with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Government. The project is aimed at search, promotion and supporting promising experts, demonstrating their creative capabilities and achievements to the world cultural community, professional orientation in the field of creative activities.

The competition brought together representatives of a wide variety of professions: from costume designers to mixed reality designers, from stage designers to editing directors - a total of 16 competencies were selected. More than 10,000 people from all over Russia applied for participation. Two online rounds were held from July 7 to September 10, and 157 contestants reached the finals. The face-to-face round of the championship was held in Moscow on October 12-15.

RMU became a partner of the Composer and Arranger competence, the main expert of which is the famous composer Ivan Burlyaev. The competition was attended by young people aged 18 to 35. According to the results of several rounds, Ilya Andrus won the first award in the competition, Nikita Yamov won the second award (silver), Tigran Grigoryan won the third award (bronze). Ruslan Lepatov received the Audience Award. Congratulations!

The closing ceremony of the Art Masters Championship, at which the names of 48 winners were announced, took place on October 21 at the Bolshoi Theater.

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