“The Spring in Russia” Festival will be held with the support of Russian Musical Union


On April 8, Moscow will host “The Spring in Russia” International Chamber Music Festival, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Russian Musical Union is a partner of the anniversary forum.

The festival, founded in 2001, is held with the support of the Mosconcert, the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, the Society of Mozart Music Lovers, the Association of Laureates of the International Competition named after Tchaikovsky, State String Quartet named after Tchaikovsky.

During its existence, the festival has created a whole system of musical education, addressed to the widest audience. The main tasks of the project are the discovery of new names, the support of young talented performers, cultural and creative exchange between musicians from all over the world.

At the anniversary festival, special attention will be paid to the performances of Russian musicians; however, performers from South Korea who are completing their studies at the Moscow Conservatory will also take part in the concert programs.

The opening ceremony of the festival will take place on April 8 at the Manor House Concert Hall of the Pushkin Museum. Concerts of the festival will also take place at other creative venues: the Ballroom of the Mosconcert, the White Hall of the House of Cinema, the Library “House of A.F. Losev”, and Zurab Tsereteli Gallery. The Cultural Center “Pokrovskie Vorota” will present a unique program dedicated to “The Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, and in the Cultural Center named after A.P. Chekhov Moscow composers will perform. The festival will end with a concert at the Alexander Glazunov Gallery, where the Italian prima donna Elena Mascolo will perform.

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