
16.11.2020 National Championship of Creative Competences Art Masters held with the assistance of RMU

Russian Musical Union supported the Art Masters National Open Championship of Creative Competencies, being a partner of the competition in the category "Composer and Arranger". The results of the competition were summed up in Moscow in October.

11.11.2020 Russian pianists won at the Orleans Competition

Pianist Mikhail Buzin won the first prize at the XIV International Competition for the Performance of Contemporary Music in Orleans (France). He also received the prize for the best performance of Polish music and the prize named after the pianist Samson France. Pianist Dmitry Batalov won the second prize and special awards named after Edison Denisov, the pianist Claude Elfer, the pianist Samson Pascal François, as well as an invitation to the residence named after Henri Dutille.

06.11.2020 Creative associations from Russia and Belarus will hold a joint symphony forum-workshop

The Guild of Young Musicians "MolOt" of the Russian Musical Union together with the Belarusian Society of Contemporary Music, the Main Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of Minsk Regional Executive Committee and the Molodechno State College of Music named after M.K. Oginsky will hold the VI International Symphony Forum-Workshop among the CIS Countries named after M.K. Oginsky. Free online teaching courses for students and graduates of music educational institutions, selected on a competitive basis, will be held for a week and a half - from November 10 to 20, 2020.

23.10.2020 Participants of the International Online Project will play Tchaikovsky

The Association of Musical Museums and Collectors, the Russian Cultural Foundation, the Russian National Museum of Music and the "Mir-Mio" Association launched to the 180th anniversary of P.I. Tchaikovsky, the project entitled "Tchaikovsky Unites the World" - admirers of the composer's work from different countries will jointly perform one of his works.

15.10.2020 The winners of the "Organist of the Year" Award, established with the support of RMU, were announced

The names of the winners of the first Russian National Award "Organist of the Year", established by the Foundation for the Development of Creative Initiatives, Russian Musical Union and the 'Musical Life' critics journal, were announced. On October 17, a ceremony of awarding the winners took place at the Kaliningrad Cathedral.

18.09.2020 RMU and the Saratov Conservatory host the XIII International Competition for Young Composers named after A.G. Schnittke

The Guild of Young Musicians "International MolOt" of Russian Musical Union and the Department of Music Theory and Composition of the Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinov, host the XIII International Competition for Young Composers named after A.G. Schnittke.

14.09.2020 The MolOt-Ensemble will hold a series of master classes

The collective of the St. Petersburg MolOt-Ensemble with the support of Russian Musical Union has begun a series of master classes for musicians called "New Instrumentation".

11.09.2020 Representatives of RMU took part in the annual assembly of the European Music Council

Representatives of Russian Musical Union, a member of the International Music Council (IMC) in the status of National Music Council of Russia, took part in the annual assembly of the European Music Council (EMC), which was held on September 6, 2020 in the format of an online conference.

21.08.2020 RMU opened an electronic music library

Russian Musical Union opened on its website a unique electronic music library "The Golden Funds of Russian Symphonic and Choral Music of the 20th and 21st Centuries", thanks to which musicians will have access to rare symphonic and choral works by prominent Russian composers.

03.08.2020 The vocal competition "Jose Carreras Grand Prix" has completed acceptance of applications

The Obraztsova Foundation has completed accepting applications for the International Vocal Competition "Jose Carreras Grand Prix". The organizers received 287 applications from 30 countries.

13.07.2020 The International Competition named after S.V. Rachmaninoff will take place in 2022

The Rachmaninoff International Competition for Pianists, Conductors and Composers is planned to be held in 2022. This decision was reached by the participants of the meeting organized in the format of a videoconference by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

27.05.2020 “Pure Sound 2021” International Award has opened for applications

Admittance of applications for participation in the 2021 “Pure Sound” International Award for the Best Recording of Russian Academic Music has been opened on the official website of the Award.

06.05.2020 Waltzes by Eugene Doga were included in the top-200 best classical melodies in the world

The American magazine 'History Rundown' included the works written by a composer, Honored Artist of the USSR, a member of the Council of Russian Musical Union Eugene Doga, in the rating of the best classical music compositions.

01.05.2020 “We Remember”: memory project in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945

Victory Day is a special holiday for all Russians. May 9 is the date to pay tribute to those who defended their homeland - fought at the front or worked in the rear, bringing the Great Victory closer. Also, it is the day to look into old family photo albums and remember those who worthily passed the ordeals of the war years. With that idea, Russian Musical Union and Russian Cinema company have organized the social patriotic project “We Remember”, which gives everyone the opportunity to share their family’s story. The project is dedicated to May 9, but will last throughout the anniversary 2020, which marks the 75th anniversary of the Victory, and thereafter.

30.04.2020 Finalists of Russian Competition of Young Composers timed for the 67th session of IRC are announced

The results of the preliminary selection of Russian Competition of Young Composers, timed to coincide with the 67th session of the International Forum of Broadcasting Organizations "International Rostrum of Composers", have been announced. The selection took place in the form of absentee voting by the jury.

24.04.2020 RMU is the partner of “New Generation” – Russian Competition of Young Composers and Musical Journalists

From March 1 to May 17, 2020, the II Russian Competition of Young Composers and Music Journalists will be held in Moscow A creative competition is organized by Moscow Children's Music Schools No. 66 and No. 92 with the support of Russian Musical Union.

17.04.2020 The first Russian-Belarusian choral scores competition takes place with the participation of RMU

The Guild of Young Musicians "MolOt" of the Russian Musical Union and the Union of Composers of the Republic of Belarus hold the First Russian-Belarusian international competition of choral scores.

08.04.2020 The 10th International Academy of Young Composers will be held in Tchaikovsky with the participation of RMU

The enrollment of participants in the jubilee 10th International Academy of Young Composers begins, which will be held from August 30 to September 13, 2020 in the town of Tchaikovsky in the Perm Region. The hosts of the Academy are the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “The Center for New Musical Initiatives” and the Municipal Autonomous Institution of Culture “Tchaikovsky Center for the Development of Culture”.

31.03.2020 Museum of Music has opened access to online shows

Russian National Museum of Music, together with the Yandex media service, has opened access to a wide variety of online activities: from thematic playlists to virtual tours.

19.03.2020 “GNESIN-JAZZ-VOICE-2020” Festival of Anatoly Kroll was held in Moscow with the support of Russian Musical Union

On March 11–13, 2020, the IV International Vocal Jazz Festival-Competition for Young Performers “GNESIN-JAZZ-VOICE-2020” was held in Moscow. The festival is hosted by Gnesins Russian Academy of Music with the support of Russian Musical Union (RMU) and under the auspices of the Russian Federation Commission for UNESCO.

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